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The Third Edition of this well-received text continues to provide coherent and comprehensive coverage of signals and systems. It is designed for undergraduate students of electronics and communication engineering, telecommunication engineering, electronics and instrumentation engineering, and electrical and electronics engineering. The book will also be useful to AMIE and IETE students.This book is recommended in Assam Don Bosco University, Assam, Royal School of Engineering & Technology, Assam.Written with student-centred, pedagogically driven approach, the text provides a self-contained introduction to the theory of signals and systems. This book looks at the concepts of systems, and also examines signals and the way that signals interact with physical systems. It covers topics ranging from basic signals and systems to signal analysis, properties of continuous-time Fourier transforms including Fourier transforms of standard signals, signal transmission through linear systems, relation between convolution and correlation of signals, sampling theorems and techniques, and transform analysis of LTI systems. All the solved and unsolved problems in this book are designed to illustrate the topics in a clear way. 2ff7e9595c