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Download Game Pokemon Let 39;s Go Pikachu ^NEW^


Download Game Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu: A Guide for Nintendo Switch Fans

If you are a fan of Pokemon and Nintendo Switch, you might be interested in downloading the game Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu. This game is a remake of the classic Pokemon Yellow, but with many new features and improvements. In this article, we will tell you what Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is, how to download it, and why you should download it.

What is Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu?

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is a role-playing game that lets you become a Pokemon trainer and catch, battle, and bond with many Pokemon in the Kanto region. You can choose between Pikachu or Eevee as your partner Pokemon, who will follow you around and help you in your adventure. You can also customize your partner Pokemon with different outfits and hairstyles.

download game pokemon let 39;s go pikachu

A remake of Pokemon Yellow with new features

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is based on the 1998 game Pokemon Yellow, which was an enhanced version of Pokemon Red and Blue. The game follows the same story and locations as the original, but with updated graphics, music, and gameplay. You will encounter familiar characters like Brock, Misty, and Team Rocket, as well as some new ones like your friendly rival Trace.

A partner Pokemon game with Pikachu

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is different from other Pokemon games because it focuses on the bond between you and your partner Pokemon. You can interact with your partner Pikachu by petting, feeding, and playing with it. You can also see its emotions and expressions on its face and tail. Your partner Pikachu will also assist you in battles by using special moves and abilities.

A connection with Pokemon GO

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is also connected to the popular mobile game Pokemon GO. You can transfer any Pokemon that you have caught in Pokemon GO to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu via a feature called GO Park. You can then catch them again in the game and add them to your party. You can also use a special accessory called Poke Ball Plus to catch Pokemon in both games. The Poke Ball Plus is a controller that looks like a real Poke Ball and can light up, vibrate, and make sounds.

How to Download Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu?

There are several ways to download Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu for your Nintendo Switch. Here are some of them:

Buy a digital or physical copy of the game

You can buy a digital copy of the game from the Nintendo eShop for $59.99. You will need about 4.2 GB of storage space on your Nintendo Switch or microSD card to download the game. You can also buy a physical copy of the game from various retailers for the same price. The physical copy comes with a cartridge that you can insert into your Nintendo Switch.

Download the game from the Nintendo eShop

If you already have a digital or physical copy of the game, you can also download it from the Nintendo eShop for free. This way, you can have two copies of the game on your Nintendo Switch, one on your system memory and one on your microSD card. This can be useful if you want to have different save files or play with different users.

Play the free demo version

If you are not sure if you want to buy the game or not, you can try out the free demo version first. The demo version lets you explore Viridian Forest and catch wild Pokemon and battle trainers with a randomly selected partner, either Pikachu or Eevee. The demo version is slightly different from the full version, as you cannot customize your partner, transfer Pokemon from Pokemon GO, or use the Poke Ball Plus. You can download the demo version from the Nintendo eShop for free.

Why Download Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu?

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is a fun and engaging game that appeals to both new and old fans of Pokemon. Here are some of the reasons why you should download it:

Explore the Kanto region in HD graphics

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu brings the Kanto region to life with stunning HD graphics and animations. You can see the details of every town, route, and dungeon, as well as the expressions and movements of every Pokemon and character. You can also ride on some Pokemon like Onix, Charizard, and Lapras, and fly over the region with your partner.

Catch Pokemon with motion controls or buttons

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu introduces a new way of catching Pokemon that is similar to Pokemon GO. You can use the Joy-Con or the Poke Ball Plus to throw Poke Balls at wild Pokemon with motion controls. You can also use the buttons if you prefer. You can see the wild Pokemon roaming around in the overworld, so you can choose which ones to encounter. You can also use berries and different types of Poke Balls to increase your chances of catching them.

Battle and trade with other players online or locally

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu also lets you battle and trade with other players around the world or nearby. You can use a code to connect with other players online or use wireless communication to connect locally. You can battle in single or double battles, using your own Pokemon or rental teams. You can also trade any Pokemon that you have caught or transferred from Pokemon GO.


Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is a game that you should download if you love Pokemon and Nintendo Switch. It is a remake of Pokemon Yellow with new features and improvements. It is a partner Pokemon game with Pikachu that you can interact with and customize. It is a connection with Pokemon GO that lets you transfer and catch Pokemon from both games. It is a game that lets you explore, catch, battle, and trade in the Kanto region in HD graphics and with motion controls or buttons.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu:



Can I play Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu with a friend?

Yes, you can play Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu with a friend in co-op mode. You just need another Joy-Con or Poke Ball Plus to join the game. You can catch Pokemon together, battle together, and explore together.

Can I evolve my partner Pikachu?

No, you cannot evolve your partner Pikachu in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu. However, you can catch other Pikachu in the wild and evolve them into Raichu with a Thunder Stone.

Can I get all the Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu?

No, you cannot get all the Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu. The game only features the original 151 Pokemon plus some Alolan forms and Meltan and Melmetal from Pokemon GO. You also need to trade with players who have Pokemon Let's Go Eevee to get some exclusive Pokemon like Meowth, Vulpix, and Bellsprout.

Can I transfer my Pokemon from Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu to other games?

Yes, you can transfer your Pokemon from Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu to other games via a service called Pokemon Home. This is a cloud-based app that lets you store and manage your Pokemon across different games. You can transfer your Pokemon from Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu to Pokemon Sword and Shield, but not vice versa.

Can I play Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu on other devices?

No, you cannot play Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu on other devices. The game is only compatible with Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite.



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